Friday, May 24, 2019


My best holidays

How I miss holidays, especially in this part of year, when strees comes afloat in all its splendor.
The big part of my holidays is sleep, eat and go out (I just wanna rest), but the past year I had the best one, I travelled to Argentina, to be more specific, Bariloche.
I went with my mother, we stayed there only one week, but was so fun and tired, we walked a lot, cause the streets of Bariloche are inclined, plus we used to get out every day. Chocolate and cakes were mi breakfast, lunch and dinner. Are so delicious and not so expensive like clothes and electrodomestics. Mamuschka was my favorite place to eat sweet things, and here I ate the best pizza, but I can't remember the name of the place.
Obiously with my mother visited many places, but the ones I really like it were Cerro Otto (we climbed by cable car, it´s gorgeous), the Nahuel Huapi lake and we were close to the mountain range (rode on horseback).

Cerro Otto was beautiful, it has so many things in one place. Culture, adventure and nature mainly. Going up though the cable car was and awesome experiencie, seeing all the landscapes was stunning.
We walked the entire day there, and we ended exhausted, but pretty impressed and happy by all the beauty.

Nahuel Huapi lake was another beauty, there's a heart-shaped island that called mi attention. The glaciars are pretty awesome too, I felt sorry to see them melted.
The tour lasted all day, it was a long journey cause the place is giant, and I think I didn't see all.