Friday, July 5, 2019

In my opinion

I think Chile is not a great country to live. The injustice, inequality, education, idiosyncratic. We're supposed to be a developed country, but we are light years away to be part of it.

About the legalization of abortion in 3 cases
This topic, in general, it is very controversial, because we are in the middle of a patriarchal  society, I mean, something so basic like "the body is yours and you can do whatever you want" stills being difficult to swallow, especially towards women. They got all the right to do anything to her body, but there's always people who is annoying and recriminate for it, they are called "pro-life". I find this a bit ironic, because if the life's women is in danger, they say "not abortion", where's the right you defend so much?
I'm completely agree with this law, in short terms. The woman is free to do with her body whatever she wants.

                                   Image result for feminismo aborto

About the Chilean politicians
This opinion sounds a bit repetitive and popular, but that's because is so true!, politicians in this country are shit, they just want power, the don't think about the people. I don't share ideology with any political party because at the end, they are the same. Saying bullshit is the best way to win votes I guess.
The best example at this moment about the politicians's incompetence it's what's happening with the teachers. They don't give any effective solution to its demands, that's the reason for its inactivity, they are not lazy as people think. Please Cubillos, resign.

                                       Image result for marcha educacion chile

About cloning
My opinion is a bit controversial, because I think cloning is not something bad, but if it develops well, it would be a great advance. We could reach the eternal life.
The bioethics says that it can be done. This phrase goes to a moral way, I mean, how cruel this can be if we clone our dead mother? We couldn't get over it, we'd fall into a eternal hole, death won't be allowed for our selfishness. All that reasons are emotional, but, if we manage this correctly, it won't be awesome? Genetics is so wide.

                                     Image result for cloning             

Legalizing marijuana and other drugs
I'm agree if drugs are legalized, but in a developed country, because here it would be so bad manage, kids can be evolved in its father's addiction, and that it won't be nice, would be sad.
Netherlands is the perfect example. They legalized, but they had other way of thinking, even there's legalized prostitution, because its society has a open-mind. We don't had that kind of mind, we have a conservative mind. Even homosexual, lesbian, trans, bi people is hard to swallow yet. That's why drugs can be legalized yet, although it would decrease the taboo that has this society about it.

                                   Related image

1 comment:

  1. The so-called ''pro-life'' are truly disastrous! They only care about the ''life'' of a fetus in gestation but forget when they are born and live in deplorable conditions.
